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 This is about the time

I slam on the breaks

And put this heart in reverse.

But the rhythm is off anyway

So I’ll ignore it and set the cruise

what’s a few more empty miles

Inhaling your exhale
with a little less passion.

Swiftly touching lips
With a little less movement.

Holding your hand
With a little less spark.

Transitioning into an unknown friendship
Not quite the path I would take, but not far from it.

So we’ll drink, playing it off as a typical Friday night out

We’ll throw back a few more than usual, hoping it lasts long into the night.

Our nervous bodies will soon dissipate

As I kiss everywhere but your lips

Trying not to smile as they make their way down your body

I’ll wait on your sighs to tell me its okay

To take this further

There won’t be any sleeping tonight

This has been years in the making.

We’ll pick up the pieces in the morning

Or maybe we’ll just leave them on the sheets

That way, we don’t have to make sense of this.

Glimpses into our late night fantasies

Only makes our desires stronger

We’re both ready

For another chance

Another long night

Filled with back arching moans

Alcohol will play a part

No broken hearts

No feelings

Lets leave this in the bedroom.

Too many people will get hurt by our actions

Neither of us wants that

Hopefully we’ll be able to stop at one night

One time only

But for some reason- I’ll bet against it.

Good morning my dear

Lets hurry and get dressed

Before questions arise

Lets make the bed

As if love was never made

Lets hide the liquor bottles

Erase all the evidence

It’s a new day

We’ll never speak of this night again

Only our eyes will talk

As we say goodbye yet again

I’m sure i’ll regret the high bar tab in the morning

But at that moment, I won’t let the word regret cross my mind

For if I did, I would stop it right then.

She’ll hold me close as I drunkenly swipe the hotel key for the third time.

Maybe the red blinking light is a sign- but third times a charm.

I’m sure our laugher will awake people, just as our moans soon will.

A smile has not left our faces since the moment we reunited.

It’s been too long since I’ve felt her touch and made her laugh.

Although divorce papers and a broken relationship might be the end result.

She is worth it.

She will always be worth the consequence.


Can we fall apart now?

I hope we fall…just like we fell..

If only it would happen that quickly


It’s getting easier

My heart didn’t race when I received your text

With every word I read about ‘them’

A little part of me drifts further away

Another piece of my heart goes to her

Soon she’ll have it all.


It’s almost been a year since we met

I can remember it so vividly

It’s as if I’m looking down on us

You walked through the kitchen door

I was standing by the sink

My eyes followed your every move

I envied you.


You were fighting with her that night

But back then she was just a name

There were no feelings of hatred when she was mentioned

You think by now you would have moved on

You’re so intelligent

But when it comes to her

It’s as if your plan fails every time.


Trust me; I know how hard it can be

Trying to fight that feeling…

When her fingertips softly touch your leg

Holding hands while making your way through a crowded room

Sitting at the beach lit only by the moon


I hope this time is different

I hope you realize who she really is

Because you’re worth so much more…

The truth is…
If you said goodbye, it would break me

The truth is…
I feel so much like him right now, that it makes me sick
I guess now I understand a feeling I never thought I would 

The truth is…
I’m too far in to get out now.
I don’t know how you did it to her
I hope you’ll be my only regret when I die. 

The truth is…
We’ll never know what could have been
We’ll always look back and wonder
I hate playing you hollow
but at the same time.. I love it.

If you were this sincere 2 months ago…
This wouldn’t be happening.
But you weren’t, so I made a choice.
If she wasn’t here, I’d be yours.
If she wasn’t here, we’d be together
If she wasn’t here, you’d still be playing games

Nothing can prepare us for 14 days.
What will happen when we first set eyes on each other?
I hope my heart beats the same rhythm
That way, I’ll know I’m making the right choice.
That way, all of these questions will be answered.
That way, I won’t always live in regret.

If I came back home

I wouldn’t want to start all over

Let’s just pick up where we left off

Because it was perfect


You don’t have to buy me coffee

But we could go watch her play again

I’m sure I’ll sit there and text like before

Even though you thought I was texting her

I was really texting myself the lyrics that reminded me of us.


I’m coming home

I’ll be glad to mend the pieces.

There’s room between my heart.

Those pictures can stop fading.