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I heard you that night,
when you whispered my name and waited for some type of response.
I was so lost in the illusion of ‘love’
that my heart wouldn’t let my voice whisper back.

We laid still that night,
when we should have opened our hearts.
This damn illusion of ‘love’ lasting forever
stopped any kind of..I love yous.. from leaving this broken heart.

Your finger tips press against my skin
just hard enough for my mind to take this a different direction.
This horrible decision was worth making because of that response.
Timing can be so cruel
if I could have cut that moment out and pasted it years before
I’d be shedding more smiles than tears.

 This is about the time

I slam on the breaks

And put this heart in reverse.

But the rhythm is off anyway

So I’ll ignore it and set the cruise

what’s a few more empty miles

I miss falling asleep on your chest
I miss calling you mine- I used to take such pride in it
I miss feeling secure in a relationship
…a relationship that was anything but secure

she changed my life
I changed hers
and I probably didn’t even alter yours.

Stop making my heart beat so fast

 …And can you tell me to breathe?

 I seem to forget that simple task when I’m around you

 Maybe you could even back up a little

Just enough to stop my lips from reaching yours

As long as we’re at it, stop looking into my eyes

Because that’s the worst fall of all…

So we’ll drink, playing it off as a typical Friday night out

We’ll throw back a few more than usual, hoping it lasts long into the night.

Our nervous bodies will soon dissipate

As I kiss everywhere but your lips

Trying not to smile as they make their way down your body

I’ll wait on your sighs to tell me its okay

To take this further

There won’t be any sleeping tonight

This has been years in the making.

We’ll pick up the pieces in the morning

Or maybe we’ll just leave them on the sheets

That way, we don’t have to make sense of this.

I’m tired of your fake lines

I dont need to know how good my skin feels against yours

I’m tired of your new outlook on life

It’s beyond hypocritical

Your eyes seemed so cold and empty as you spoke of my faults.

But your words didnt hurt as much as the look in your eye

You banned me from leaving my scent on your sheets

So i left my tears on your pillow

and with memories i’d rather forget…

As your tires hit the gravel road and the stars got brighter

My past regrets started to invade

If feelings could move in reverse

It would have been the perfect night


We sat and shared a mutual love

Washing it down with the exact substance that got us into this situation.

Refills were made and we talked as if we were lovers.

Like they never put a stop to us and rules were never made


I’m not sure if I like the new us

I look forward to the day

I can look at you and not get lost in your body

But for now, I’ll let these marks fade

As I curse my past mistakes.

He gave her away
I lost her forever
Our song was playing
As I reached for her hand
And led her to the dance floor
We both closed our eyes
And imagined this day differently
As long as crowds cant hear whispers
And we never act on desires
I think we’ll be just fine.

I’m sure i’ll regret the high bar tab in the morning

But at that moment, I won’t let the word regret cross my mind

For if I did, I would stop it right then.

She’ll hold me close as I drunkenly swipe the hotel key for the third time.

Maybe the red blinking light is a sign- but third times a charm.

I’m sure our laugher will awake people, just as our moans soon will.

A smile has not left our faces since the moment we reunited.

It’s been too long since I’ve felt her touch and made her laugh.

Although divorce papers and a broken relationship might be the end result.

She is worth it.

She will always be worth the consequence.
